Primrose home

Countdown to house-lessness

Here we are, 13 days (but who’s counting) until we are out of the house and officially of no fixed address. It is a bittersweet process, this packing up, downsizing. The clutter must go but the memories hold fast. Important to remember, with Merci, we are houseless, not homeless.

Blood sweat and tears (and a fair amount of money) went into this house although it was a home right from the start. The day we moved in, I found the word “imagine” carved into the wall in one of the bedrooms. I knew at that moment that this was the house for us.

Al and I have grown in this house, our relationship with each other, with each other’s families, with pets, with friends. It is a home that has been filled with love and positive vibes. It is and has always been a happy house.

This is the very reason why this home is letting us go so easily. It knows, we know, it is time to move on and grow in different ways. Al and I have many differences, but one sameness we share is the need to know what is around the corner. The gypsy like quest for new, different, experiences.

Travel has always been a big part of our lives together so it should come as no surprise that we fell in love with the concept of living in a bus at no fixed address. The idea has been in our minds forever, Al since he was 5, me just following in my parents’ footsteps. Our idea turned into a five-year plan about five years ago. Weird for two people who like to travel without a plan. Al being made redundant means the plan was tweaked a bit, but it hasn’t stopped us.

To be fair, the plan didn’t Include a bus, nor did it Include a cat. Come to think of it, the plan didn’t include having to work while we travel. But that’s the best thing about it, plans change and morph and in two weeks become reality.

The bus? We fell in love. The cat? We are in love. Work? It is what it is. At least we will be working for ourselves and doing what we enjoy.

I will miss the birds, we have about 200 corellas who announce their presence as they take flight on mass every morning at dawn. They do the same as they settle in at dusk. We have cockatoo’s, rainbow lorikeets, grey heron, kookaburra’s, you name it, our backyard is a bird’s paradise.

I will miss the pool. One cannot put into words the liberty of floating in the pool at 2 am. The cover of darkness cloaking our nakedness, the starlit sky attempting to blow our cover.

I will miss the neighbours of who I can safely say are the best in the world. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I will miss our community, the people we have been lucky to surround ourselves and share our lives with for the past 8 years. Some will remain friends, some won’t. That’s okay as I really do believe in some for a reason, some for a season and some forever friends.

I look forward to new, the unknown, the unexpected. We will have our ups and downs. Let’s face it, I am a crappy camper. Luckily the bus is quite a luxury, yet it amazing how I can screw up even in luxury accommodation. I am what is officially called a klutz. Luckily you are unlikely to miss much as we will be filming a lot.

Soon we will be free to wander, but for now it’s pens down and packing up.

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